ALEX When you slaughter a goat and wrench its heart out with your bare
hands, do you then summon hellfire?
hands, do you then summon hellfire?
JULIET I mean, what are you actually doing here? What is the hidden
DAVID Do a little freebase maybe, from time to time?
ALEX Or maybe just phone out for a pizza?
JULIET Look, it's a fairly straightforward question. You're either
divorced or you're not.
DAVID OK, I'm going to play you just a few seconds of this tape -- I'd
like you to name the song, the lead singer and the three hit
singles subsequently recorded by him with another band.
ALEX When you get up in the morning, how do you decide what shade of
black to wear?
JULIET Now, let me get this straight. This affair that you're not
having, is it not with a man or not with a woman?
I'd like to say I'm exaggerating when I say that my experience of flat-hunting isn't quite as hellish as this scene.
But actually, I think it's worse.
I have to move out of my flat in 4 weeks time. And hasn't she become picky since she moved to New Zealand! I remember living in a hostel in Darwin when I was 25 - sharing a small room with 3 others - and being thrilled when I managed to find a 1 bed flatshare with 3 others (2 of us slept in the bedroom, the other 2 shared a sofa bed. I started on the sofa and eventually graduated to the bedroom). It felt like Paradise having a bathroom and kitchen I wasn't sharing with 30 other twats from Cambridge.
Fast forward to 2015 and I have become the Goldilocks of flat-searching. The room isn't light enough... I don't want to share a bathroom... there's no garden.... there isn't a view of Rangitoto... and then there's the added complication of the people who already inhabit the flat. Every single flat I've liked and been back to visit has been subsequently nullified by the natives. There was the couple who thought I would not only love to live with them AND their 2 dogs AND their baby, but also wouldn't mind sharing their tiny living space with a Brazilian couple as well. Then there was The Dick. I briefly met The Dick on Monday when I went to see a lovely flat in Kohi. I got Dick-esque vibes from him then, which were unfortunately (or, perhaps, fortunately) confirmed when I saw the flat for a second time yesterday. The Dick is a head chef with Short Man Syndrome - which I'm sure you'll agree are 2 heinous personalities to combine. He managed to put me down 5 times in the 5 minutes I spent chatting to him, and mimicked me when I stumbled over my words. It brought back every unpleasant encounter I've had with head chefs during my 7 years of waitressing, and I'll be damned if I'm going to come home at night to hang out with every bastard who has ever retorted "well, she asked for it RARE. Stupid bitch."
(and breathe).
So, looks like I might end up living with Mr Anal who told me that he has a rule of "No showers after 9. We're not 23 any more!" I pretty much discounted that flat when he threw me out of the house after 20 minutes with "OK, don't want to move anyone along but..."
It's getting desperate people. I might need to leave the country. I've now realised exactly why I should have shacked up with someone in my 20s. Among the MANY reasons not be to single in your 30s (people who can't spell on Tinder, considering freezing my eggs, being the token single at dinner parties) here's the main reason: I CAN'T AFFORD TO LIVE ON MY OWN AND THE WORLD IS FULL OF FREAKS.
I should have just married Funny Bloke who sent me my one and only genuine Valentine's card when I was 15. He's a successful lawyer now (so I hear). And, presumably, still funny. I could be a housewife living in Solihull, having long lunches on Monday and an early G&T after pilates. And having a right laugh when he finally got back from the office.
Things I would tell my 15 year old Self #1: "Go on the date so you don't end up in New Zealand interviewing for flats with gay 22 year old boys who manage McDonalds in Manukau".
True story . That McDonalds manager's eyes lit up when I said I was a fitness instructor. "Free fitness classes?!" Yes, that will definitely cancel out the 5 complimentary Big Macs you're eating every day.
Anyway, I'm going back to see Mr Anal tomorrow afternoon, then I'm seeing Blokes That Sound Like They Might Be Quite Hot in Takapuna. Call the hotline now to register your vote. Please note that calls may cost your dignity, sense of humour, and considerably more than you expected to pay for sharing with 6 others in Avondale.