Sometimes it’s weird working on a TV show. Like yesterday, where I got asked to check the ladies’ toilets were empty and then act as lookout so a director and first AD could recce them for filming. Is that normal? And then today where we realised that in TV Land we are already thinking about Bonfire Night and Christmas. When you work on a Soap, New Year’s Eve comes round way quicker than you had anticipated.
And then sometimes actors ask you to pronounce words and you inadvertently insult them.
One of our cast suddenly appeared at my elbow a few days and, shoving a script under my nose, pointed at the word ‘brusque’ and asked ‘is that brisk?’ I was kind of caught off guard and said, ‘er, no, it’s brusque’. ‘It’s not brisk then?’ ‘No….’ He was looking a bit unsure and I felt obliged to say something intelligent, and thus carried on knowledgably, ‘it means….’ At which point he looked at me like I was a patronising bitch and said ‘I KNOW WHAT IT MEANS, but do you pronounce it brisk?’
There was clearly not going to be a happy ending to this, so I just said I didn’t know. ‘OK. Well I’m going to go with short then’. Fine. I was feeling quite ashamed about being rude to a famous (ish) actor, so I related the story to the Office Blonde, and said how embarrassed I was – of course he would know what it meant. Her response? ‘What does brusque mean?’
So now I had insulted two people.
The actor re-appeared in the office later on, and just shouted ‘SHORT!’ at me across the room. Which of course then opened a whole new can of confusion, surname speaking…. So now I’m avoiding all actors. It’s so much easier that way.
However, to just completely renege on the statement above, I’ve just had a conversation with the Office Bow Tie concerning whether All Actors Are Sluts? This was going to be an amusing little nugget of a paragraph on the dubious morals of artistes and their complete lack of fidelity when it comes to wrap parties/ the Soap Awards/ Thursday nights out at The Plough. However, he very sensitively pointed out that actors are complex, flawed, beautiful human beings, who can’t be reduced to a single stereotype. And was I talking about sluts in the sexual sense of the word, or in terms of agents and castings, or in a slovenly sense…. And suddenly my amusing little anecdote has been lost somewhere under the weight of the complex human beings and of course non-actors can be sexually promiscous liars too and quite frankly I think we should just call the whole thing off.
Tonight we are having our one and only BBQ of the year and, true to British summertime, we have had thunder and lightning and floods on the main road outside our office. We were starting to panic slightly but Warwick the Butcher has assured us that the spit roast is already in progress and the pig is getting ready to feed Letherbridge. On the subject of this, our party coincides with the leaving do for an actress. The pig roast had already been booked before anyone realised that she is, in fact, a Jewish vegetarian.
So it’s probably not the ideal send off - especially by an organisation as PC as the BBC, but quite frankly we all wanted a pork bap. My colleague contacted the butcher to ask if the pig was kosher, to which he replied ‘Yes it’s all paid for and above board, LOL’. What a kidder!
On a more orthodox note, we have managed to source a copy of ‘Authentic Israel’ from the post production library, and we will be playing 'Hava Nagila' and 'Dreidel Dreidel' intermittently throughout the night. I feel that my ancestors would be proud.