The D Word
Right, so it’s Sunday night, and for some unfathomable reason my family is still watching The Olympic Opening Ceremony. Well, I say family, it’s mainly my Dad, with everyone else taking sporadic breaks to come and watch. I’m not exactly sure why we’re still watching it 48 hours after the rest of the world saw it, except that he watched it last night and claims that he can’t remember anything he saw. Which of course is worrying for many reasons, not least because how can you possibly forget the delirium-inducing sight of huge punk heads springing up and down to Pretty Vacant? My sister and I have just had to introduce him to pretty much every band beyond the Beatles, his excuse for his ignorance being ‘it’s not my era’. Okaaaaaaay… But you were (apparently) alive in the 70s? And also the 90s? (The Prodigy also proved to be a mystery). His comment on being told the rapper was called Dizzee Rascal – ‘Oh, that’s his name is it?’ Er, probably not his real name, no. Oh. My. God. Memories flooding back of when he corrected my sister’s pronunciation of Coolio in the mid-90s as ‘Hoolio’ (Julio). ‘How do you spell it?’ ‘C.O.O.L.I.O.’ ‘Oh right. Yes you’re quite right. Coolio.’ (We often discuss gangsta rappers in my household, that’s just how the Shortt family roll).
So yes it was amazing blah blah blah, but can we have some real news now? I opened the Sunday Times today and think I had to skip to about page 18 to read something that wasn’t Olympic related. Even my Mum, surprisingly racist towards the British for someone who has lived here for over 30 years, enjoyed the show. Usually her only concession towards England is that she enjoys the ‘Today’ programme - and would miss John Humphreys if she returned to the states - but I actually found her weeping on the sofa as she watched the opening ceremony, muttering between sobs ‘I thought it was going to be a wash-out, but it’s amazing!’ Yeah yeah, Danny Boyle is a Directing God.
But I still don’t find Mr Bean all that funny.
But I still don’t find Mr Bean all that funny.
In other news, apparently I am now at an age which provokes a response of ‘Oh Wow’. I was chatting to a PT at the gym and he asked how old I was. When I replied 31 he looked gratifyingly surprised and said, ‘Oh wow. You do not look that age at all’. I wanted to ask if he has misheard and thought I said 41? Er, surely 31 is still a relatively young, down-with-the-kids, could-still-be-at-uni-albeit-as-a-mature-student age?! Well, wonder no more my friends, the 15 year old PT has spoken and declared me Officially Old. *Sob*. To add insult to injury, one of the Fat Security Men at my work asked me if my ‘Forever Young’ t-shirt was ‘Hopeful?’
Case closed. I am a relic.
You will be pleased to hear that on Thursday I managed to prevent the F word being broadcast on (Soap) award-winning daytime TV, and thus have no doubt prevented the cancellation of our show and in fact the collapse the of the entire British Broadcasting Corporation. I arrived into work on Thursday morning to be greeted by an email from the company who write our subtitles: apparently they had noticed that the Black Eyed Peas song ‘My Humps’, which we had used in the episode due to be broadcast that day, did not contain the line ‘I drive these brothers crazy’ but in fact clearly said ‘I drive these fuckers crazy’. I duly went in to relate the good news to the producer, who turned white and said ‘WHAT?!!’ We listened to the line about 20 times, decided that we couldn’t actually tell what it said but we had better change it just in case, and then realised that the tape was in London. Brilliant. Anyway, the rest of the story is pretty dull but all you need to know is that by some wizardly of post-production they managed to replace the offending line with a musical overlap, and I got inducted into making a ‘circuit booking’ – whatever the hell that is – where someone they ‘play the tape down the line’ to London. To make a great situation better, the switchboard at the relevant company in London couldn’t transfer me directly to anyone, and Kristal, the only person I managed to speak to directly, was on her first day - poor lamb - and seemingly failed the grasp the concept that we were broadcasting the episode in 3 hour’s time. Anyway, the replacement edit was broadcast and no doubt millions of letters of complaint avoided. Yep, that’s why they pay me the big bucks.
Oh no. Hang on a minute. They don’t.
Overheard at the BBC
SCRIPT EDITOR: Ganache is a funny word isn’t it?
SCRIPT EDITOR: Isn’t that Denis the Menace’s dog?
Yep. These are the people who make the magic happen, people.