Lost in Translation
So we were debating the various complexities of an all-white choir putting on a production of the African-American opera Porgy and Bess (I am now in my 30s and these are the conversations I have on a Saturday night), when my friend suddenly paused, narrowed her eyes and said suspiciously, ‘wait a minute, is this going to go in your blog?’
Well, quite patently, yes…. I have discovered that, since I’ve started writing a regular blog, people seem to be a lot more careful what they say around me. Which is not going to make for entertaining writing at all. Come on people, give me the juice! Or I’m going to have to start making friends with unsuspecting strangers in order to source my material. Which lead me to wonder (‘I couldn’t help but wonder….’) what happens to the friends of people who are actual writers? Do they simply accept that most of their lives are somehow going to end up in their mate’s next novel? There is something of the parasite feeding off the host… I remember reading an article about an author in which he was accused of using other people’s misery for his own gains – and being very dispassionate about, for example, a friend’s suicide. However, so far nobody has started avoiding me - or de-friended me on Facebook (the ultimate friendship cut off) - so until I am told otherwise, I will continue to plunder my acquaintances for material.
If that’s OK with you.
I have also been told that I need to issue an apology to the boy in my office who I accused of being A Gay last week. Apparently, he’s as hetero as they come. This is despite the fact, so far that this morning, he has showed me his shiny new white trainers (Olympic edition Adidas) and was most recently sighted hanging around the cake shelf, debating the various merits of chocolate cake VS victoria sponge with The Confirmed Office Gay. Yes indeedy, the testosterone is flying around our office. Ooh it’s like the changing rooms after a Man City match. Speaking of which, The Confirmed Office Gay has just played 'Hot Stuff' at full volume in tribute to Donna Summer.
Just when I thought it couldn't get any more macho in here.
Just when I thought it couldn't get any more macho in here.
In other news, my sister has been sharing the cultural differences between England and Spain with me. She is teaching English in Barcelona, and one of the exercises she set her students was to explain what really gets on their nerves. Apparently the most popular complaint was ‘I hate it when I get in the elevator and people don’t say hello to me’. WTF? In the UK, surely we would think someone was chatting us up/ mentally unhinged/ about to mug us/ plain weird if they spoke to us in the lift. HELLO, WE DON’T SAY HELLO UNTIL WE HAVE BEEN INTRODUCED! BY A MUTUAL ACQUAINTANCE! AND THEN WE STILL MIGHT PRETEND WE DON’T KNOW YOU FOR SEVERAL WEEKS!
This also brought to mind the language barrier she faced when she was living in Thailand. I recall her telling me about the Thai women in Dunkin Donuts who called her a silly bitch (in Thai) when she asked for more milk in her coffee – unaware that she could understand them. And then there was the time that her boyfriend came home all upset because all the women thought he looked really old. Apparently as he walked down the street they were shouting ‘sixty, sixty’ at him. This later emerged to, in fact, be ‘sexy, sexy’ – in an Asian accent. It’s amazing the differences a couple of letters make.
Speaking of lost in translation, I was listening to ‘Let me clear my throat’ this morning, and it took me a good few minutes to recall that these were the words, and not ‘Let me check my coat’. Further to this train of thought, I have only recently discovered that Lady Gaga’s ‘Edge of Worry’ is in fact ‘Edge of Glory’, and Will Young’s song ‘Jealousy’ is not ‘Jersey’. For ages I was singing ‘And it feels like Jersey/ And it feels like I can breathe’. I thought he was extolling the virtues of the clean fresh air on the beautiful island of Jersey. Yeah - not so much.
That is all. I have also been signed up to e-harmony by my Cackling Female Friends, but I need to steel my nerves before I am ready to write about that particular ignominy.